Onlineshop » Wien

Total number of items: 315
Foto Städtisches Amalienbad Hallenbad Wien um 1926
Foto Städtisches Amalienbad Hallenbad Wien um 1926
Features: Bad, Hallenbad
Length: 122
Width: 171 mm
Photographer: anonym
Condition: slight spotted
€ 28
plus shipping
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Kabinettfoto Elisabethbrücke Foto Oscar Kramer Wien um 1875
Kabinettfoto Elisabethbrücke Foto Oscar Kramer Wien um 1875
Features: Brücke
Format: Kabinettfoto
Photographer: Oscar Kramer
Condition: slight spotted
€ 60
plus shipping
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Pressefoto Gartenanlage Bewässerung Kagran Wien Foto Karl Schleich um 1930
Pressefoto Gartenanlage Bewässerung Kagran Wien Foto Karl Schleich um 1930
Features: Pressefoto
Length: 130
Width: 180
Photographer: Karl Schleich
Condition: slight spotted
€ 20
plus shipping
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Fotopostkarte Wien XXI Ichagasse 7 Foto um 1910, anonym, Wien XXI.
Fotopostkarte Wien XXI Ichagasse 7 Foto um 1910, anonym, Wien XXI.
Features: Wien
Length: 88
Width: 137
Photographer: anonym
Condition: slight spotted
€ 40
plus shipping
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Fotopostkarte Wien VIII. Josefsgasse Foto um 1900, anonym, Wien VIII.
Fotopostkarte Wien VIII. Josefsgasse Foto um 1900, anonym, Wien VIII.
Features: Wien
Length: 140
Width: 90
Photographer: anonym
Condition: slight spotted
€ 50
plus shipping
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CDV Nordbahnhof Wien Miethke u Wawra um 1880, Miethke u Wawra, Wien
CDV Nordbahnhof Wien Miethke u Wawra um 1880, Miethke u Wawra, Wien
Features: Wien
Format: CDV
Photographer: Miethke u Wawra
Condition: slight spotted
€ 35
plus shipping
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Foto Wien Schaulustige um 1950, anonym, Wien
Foto Wien Schaulustige um 1950, anonym, Wien
Features: Wien
Length: 128
Width: 89
Photographer: anonym
Condition: slight spotted
€ 28
plus shipping
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Foto Wien XIX. Beginn Donaukanal Verlag Aug. Löwenstein um 1930, WIen XIX
Foto Wien XIX. Beginn Donaukanal Verlag Aug. Löwenstein um 1930, WIen XIX
Features: Wien
Length: 139
Width: 90
Photographer: Verlag Aug. Löwenstein
Condition: slight spotted
€ 18
plus shipping
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Fotopostkarte Kfz Chauffeur Franz Holzer Wien XVII Sandleitengasse 79 1913
Fotopostkarte Kfz Chauffeur Franz Holzer Wien XVII Sandleitengasse 79 1913
Length: 139
Width: 90
Photographer: anonym
Condition: slight spotted
€ 45
plus shipping
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Fotopostkarte Rudolfs-Spital Wien 1915, anonym, Wien
Fotopostkarte Rudolfs-Spital Wien 1915, anonym, Wien
Features: Wien
Length: 136
Width: 86
Photographer: anonym
Condition: slight spotted
€ 35
plus shipping
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